Richard Leisner – Corporate & Securities Expert Witness

Finding the most qualified expert to assist in preparing a case is often critical to the successful outcome of corporate or securities litigation. A talent for explaining complex issues to juries – without talking down to them – is a result of decades of experience.

Even seasoned litigators are pleasantly surprised to learn the many ways a transactional lawyer is able to provide value-added services as an expert witness in corporate and securities litigation.

Richard Leisner has more than 30 years of experience in a broad-based corporate and securities law practice. His practice has included all stages of the corporate life cycle for public and private companies and their executives.

Richard has been actively serving as an expert witness since the mid-1980s. His services have included testimony at trial and in depositions and written reports. He has also helped engaging counsel prepare for depositions of key witnesses and opposing experts and has designed and prepared trial demonstratives.

Some of Richard’s most significant contributions have been made in the early stages of cases, helping engaging counsel to more effectively develop and implement winning tactics and strategies. Richard can guide trial counsel through the regulatory and documentary morass that transactions lawyers navigate every day. He provides lucid explanations of what should (or should not) have happened and what facts, documents and legal issues are most important.

Richard has identified crucial new fact issues or legal theories and has framed existing issues and theories in a new light.

George Nader – Legal Malpractice Fee Expert

In his practice, George Nader handles all types of civil cases, primarily personal injury matters.  George has represented plaintiffs in multiple cases involving catastrophic injury or death, with jury verdicts and/or settlements in excess of $1 million.  George has been a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator since 2006 and mediates all types of civil litigation cases,

Under Florida law (with very limited exceptions), the trial court must determine a reasonable hourly rate for the particular services rendered and a reasonable amount of time for the attorney to have spent performing the necessary work, when awarding attorney fees to a prevailing party pursuant to a contract provision or statute authorizing the recovery of attorney fees,  Additionally, a party who is harmed by legal malpractice must bring a claim within 2 years of the date the incident giving rise to the harm is discovered or should have been discovered.

As a fee expert in disputes over legal fees, George leverages his over 30 year career to provide opinions on reasonable attorneys’ fees, hours, hourly rates, the Lodestar standard, and the application of multipliers in all types of civil matters, particularly those  involving motor vehicle accidents, products liability, premises liability, governmental agency liability, insurance coverage litigation, casualty defense, probate and estate litigation, inadequate or negligent security, and medical negligence.  George reviews the complete file, researches the biographies of the lawyers involved, and thoroughly reviews all facts and issues to be prepared, and strives to explain his conclusions succinctly and clearly.